Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Return of the Queen

After a week on the east coast, I return triumphant to Los Angeles. A few thoughts upon arrival:

1. It is possible to make the most interesting subject intensely boring with dedication and effort. Pal Joey is a wonderful show, but even such a subject can lose all its lustre in the wrong hands.

2. The next time I go to a conference, I will not schedule every single meal with old friends. I had a chance at lunch with a smart and sexy man that I passed up to meet Ginger and Novgorod. Sigh...

3. The Providence Singers are not like other choruses. They have a much higher awesome factor, on top of their musical abilities. I almost couldn't restrain myself and broke out into lusty singalong at their concert. My basses rocked the house, as always, but they could have used an extra rocker.

4. My college friends are some of the best people there are. Despite flaws, they just kick ass. I suppose I knew this before, but the trip renewed that knowledge. I love them so very very much.

5. I wear the cheese; it does not wear me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

excuse me! i have no flaws!
